Friday, 29 July 2011

Promotional Pens, Engraved Pens- Using Engraved Pens as Promotional Pens

There are some instances when engraved pens make sense to use as promotional pens.  These are generally situations where there will only be a few promotional pens purchased, as engraved pens are more expensive than traditional promotional pens.  Engraved pens make a much better impression than the standard plastic pens, so they can be give a better impression and be a powerful advertising tool when used properly.  If care is not used, however, a budget can be quickly exceeded, which would negate most of the benefits received.   The best bet is to evaluate the situation carefully before deciding which type of pen to sue.

One way engraved pens can be used as promotional pens is to distribute them to businesses.  By distributing engraved pens to businesses rather than individuals, you gain the advertising benefit with fewer promotional pens.  Send engraved pens to banks and doctors' offices to be used at the front desk or teller windows.  This way everyone who uses these elegant promotional pens will see the information on them and an impression will be made. The key is to get the businesses to use them.  The best way to do this is to choose supporting or complimentary businesses rather than competitors in which to place the pens.

An example of this might be a car dealership that does not have a maintenance department using engraved pens as promotional pens for a repair shop.  Another example might be a school using engraved pens as promotional pens for a school supply store.  With some thought and creativity, engraved pens can be used as promotional pens without breaking the budget.  The key is to select a few disbursement venues that give maximum exposure.  Consider also if those who frequent those venues are even potential customers.  The bank and doctor's office examples are good because almost everyone uses one of these.

When using engraved pens as promotional pens, it is important to consider that if the promotional information is too small, potential clients will not be able to read it.  There is a point where engraved pens become unreadable when the engraving becomes too small.  This defeats the purpose of using them for promotional pens.  Try to stick to the name of the business and a phone number or website.  This method can turn engraved pens into successful promotional pens without making the information unreadable.  It is most useful if the name of the business lends a clue as to what type of business it is.

Friday, 8 July 2011

Promotional Pens, Engraved Pens- Choosing Between Quality and Cost

Whether choosing Promotional Pens or engraved pens, there is a balancing act that must be made between quality and cost.  Cost vs. benefit is a common issue is all areas of life, and choosing a pen is no different.  Prices and quality for all kinds of pens vary from promotional pens to engraved pens.  They key is finding that perfect balance for the specific pens you are ordering.  Promotional pens are best chosen based on budget and what they are promoting while engraved pens should be chosen based upon the preferences of the intended recipient.  Whether choosing engraved pens or promotional pens, there is sometimes a choice between quality and cost.

Engraved Pens often cost more, and the more you pay the higher quality pen you get.  Since more often than not engraved pens are purchased for a specific person, it is extremely important that they are nice.  Most can afford to spend a little more on higher quality engraved pens as they are typically bought one at a time.  This differs from promotional pens, as promotional pens are more often bought in bulk for multiple end users.   This means that when choosing promotional pens, the choice between quality and cost may be different.

Promotional Pens are generally lower quality to make them more cost effective to purchase in bulk.  However, there different levels of quality within the choices of promotional pens.  Unlike engraved pens, these are not typically given as gifts, meaning that a lower quality pen will not be seen as thoughtless to a certain extent.  However, a promotional pen that does not hold up will not give a very good impression of what it is advertising.  The key is to get the best quality promotional pens the budget with allow.  One that lasts will be used longer, allowing it to promote the business longer.  While engraved pens often reflect the personality of the user, promotional pens reflect the personality of the business.

Though Engraved Pens typically require a higher quality, they also cost more.  Promotional pens are not expected to have the same high quality as engraved pens, but they should not be trash either.  They should hold up long enough to serve their purpose of advertising the business.  That is really the main difference.  The quality of engraved pens reflect the thoughtfulness of the gift giver, while the quality of promotional pens are more a determination of how to make the promotional benefits last as long as possible.   Promotional pens are generally permitted to be of somewhat lesser quality.